Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

Oh what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green?
Do you fish in a stream, or lazily dream on the banks as the clouds go by?
Is that what you do?

My Mom always spoke of the lazy summer days when she and her Mother would find pictures in the clouds.  This past week I took my lunch and went to the park to unwind for a short hour from a very busy work morning.  As I sat and let the sun warm my face I looked into the sky and marveled at the beautiful few clouds there were floating by.

 Then I thought of my Mom as a young girl lying on the grass creating her playground in the sky.  What wonders a child can create!  I glanced at my watch, and knew my time was almost spent, but as I strolled slowly back to my car I took the time to smell the flowers and marvel at the little things we are blessed with each day.

So .   .   .  What do you do in the summertime?  What memories can you make each day?  What beauties do you find in a glance, in an hour, in a few moments?  They are all around us, and I am grateful!

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