Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools 2011

April Fools Day!  I came to work this morning and as everyone in my office has come to expect and depend on - I am the first one here.  They count on it!  So today, April 1, 2011 I walk in the door and turn on the lights throughout the building as I head for my little office.  Walk to my door and I find this-

Every single chair in the office is crammed into my office as you can see in various positions, upside down, on the desk, and on the chair right in front of the door there is a small note tag that says - you have been pranked by aliens.  Pretty good April Fools Day joke!  Last year they got me with post it notes tagged EVERYWHERE! My office was covered in them - phone, computer, printer, walls, I think I'm still finding notes every once in a while.  I can tell its going to be a fun day!