Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How individual are you?

If YOU were a crayon in a box of Crayola's.  .  .


1 comment:

  1. I would be GREEN....let me tell you why:

    *Green is restful and calm...represents balance, harmony and stability...something I strive for in my life

    *I love the first green leaves that push forth in spring = growth and renewal

    *I love the sight and smell of a freshly mowed lawn

    *I love a wedge of lime or a sprig of mint in my water...so fresh

    *One of my favorite trees in my garden is an olive tree..I love how the leaves flutter in the wind

    *I love the forests in Sierras which are filled with all sorts of pine trees..oh that pine aroma is devine

    *I love the seafoam ocean..and the calm it produces

    *I love getting green lights on my way to the gym

    *I like to think I have a greenthumb in my garden

    *I look on the brighter side of life...always searching for greener pastures

    *And my favorite Sesame Street puppet is green...Kermit the Frog (I also have a collection of frogs)

    My color is GREEN!
