Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Mom has a Garden

My Mom has a beautiful garden and she tends her flowers and garden tenderly.  I often find her out pinching of deadheads, cultivating the ground or just enjoying the colors and beautiful flowers.

Mom fills every spot with color, or a small pathway, bird feeders, anything to bring beauty to one who may walk through her gardens.

 Walkway to back patio
The aroma of different flowers is pleasant to your senses. 

 Marcine Price watering her flower beds
On warm days the flower beds get an extra drink of water.  It has been so nice during our monsoon season, because late afternoon a rain storm burst forth with buckets of rain.

 Flower bed sprinkled with Cairns
If you get a chance this summer/fall take a walk through my mother's garden and enjoy the aroma's that will please your sense of smell, the colors that will please your eyes, it is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.


  1. I can smell the sweet aroma through my computer screen...I am ready to hop a plane this very minute. Your mother is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

  2. Oh, by the way, I LOVE HOLLYHOCKS!!! It reminds me of the painting in the Church Museum (across from the temple). I have a framed print of it.
