Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Year

Tomorrow is the 29th of February - A Leap Year! 
I know Leap Year has NOTHING to do with frogs leaping (or sitting in a chair playing a banjo) but I thought I could be silly and post this little "ditty" about this day which rolls around every 4 years.  And I could insert my little frog friends because they leap (or play banjos) every year (and I think they are dang cute!) 

 In Mom's newspaper this morning there was an article about Leap Year as it comes this year on the 29th of February.  It stated that it is a magical day, that all sorts of things can happen. It is much better than daylight savings time where we only get an hour - instead we get a whole day!

Did you know that many years ago in a country far far away it was tradition that a woman could ask a man to marry!

Did you know that people born on Leap Day are termed leaplings! (thus the pictures of my endearing little frogs.)

What are you going to do with your extra day tomorrow? 
You could rent the chick flick "Leap Year".
You could play hookie and go skiing! (we just got some new snow today)
or - you could just treat it like any other day, but what is the fun in that?
It's a gift day - do something different!

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