Friday, April 16, 2010

Beautiful Spring!

Close your eyes and imagine . . .

I love Spring! I love the beautiful smells and sounds, the "popcorn" popping as buds on all the trees as they stretch towards the sun to feel the warmth and get ready to bloom. I love the early spring flowers, daffodils, tulips, sweet william and the hyacinth that are sure signs that spring is really here.

I slept with my window open just a crack so the sound of chirping birds would wake me. As I lay in my warm bed and listened I wondered to myself, what are they talking about so early in the morning?

I got ready for work this morning with a little skip to my step because the morning was so delightful. I feel such gratitude for the beauty and miracle of Spring. And now as I sit at my desk with my office window open just a crack, I continue to take in the sounds, smell the fresh air and thank my Father in Heaven for blessing me with such beauty and I am happy!

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