Monday, April 5, 2010

Wedding Day

My son Andrew D. Petersen was married to his sweetheart Jennifer Dickinson on Saturday April 3, 2010. The ceremony and reception was held at Millennial Falls Reception Center in Draper Utah. The day was magical and the celebration was enjoyed by many family and friends. They chose a Celtic theme for the wedding. Jennifer's family is Scottish and my family is Welsh. I had some fabric shipped to me from Wales- the Price tartan. I love it and I wore my family colors proudly!

Enjoy the photo's

The Wedding Cake

Andy and Jennifer with Grandpa and Grandma Price

Samantha- maid of honor and Tabitha- flower girl

Andy and Jennifer are married by Ruth Price - Andy's Aunt

Andy- Groom, Damon- Ring Bearer and Sterling- Best Man

Jennifer and Norman, daughter and father dance -
Andy and Janet, son and mother dance

Andy and Jennifer leave for their honeymoon.

I want to thank my family and friends for celebrating with us on this day. Many of you traveled far and came with your love, smiles and support and I love you so much for it. I am so happy to have Jennifer as my daughter-in-law and my beautiful grandchildren Samantha, Tabitha and Damon.

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