Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Get Up!

There are nights after I get home from work that I get so caught up in what I am doing (and sometimes NOT doing - couch potato) that I stay up waaaay to late!  I have friends who say they are a "morning person" and some who prefer being a "night hawk".  Well, I don't think either of those describe me because I can stay up late and get up early.  However, if I do that to many days in a row I get sluggish.  It's a known fact that I need my beauty sleep!

So I trick myself and set 2 alarms in the morning.  One at 5:00 so I can shut it off knowing that I can sleep for another 15 minutes because my "safety" alarm will go off at 5:15!  Aren't I so clever!  But wait!  I then proceed to reach up and hit the snooze for another 15 minutes and don't really roll out of bed until 5:30!  Why!  Why I ask myself don't I just set one alarm at 5:30 and get up promptly???  Well, one answer is I have staid up way to late and can't open the eyes and the other is .  .  . what is the other answer?  I do not know because I continue with this silly game over and over!  I need to figure me out and fix it!

I'll bet Big Ben would R.I.N.G. me right out of bed!  And I'm sure Big Ben does NOT have a snooze button!

1 comment:

  1. I am so the same way. I only have one alarm but I set it 10 minutes early and allow myself to hit snooze twice;)sometimes more if its a bad day;)
