Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Presidents Day

What did you find yourself doing with a day off because of Presidents Day? 
We all know that these two great men celebrate birthday's in February with George Washington on the 22nd and Abraham Lincoln on the 12th.  Did you know that Lincoln just celebrated the 200th year anniversary of his birth on the 12th!  Sometimes I think President's day gets tossed to the corner of our calendar and we forget to reflect on all the great things these men did or have done for our United States of America!  And while these two men have birthdays this month - we are really honoring all those who have held this great office!  We may not always agree with the man who holds the office but in my opinion - we should all honor the position and greatness this office entails. 

I actually used the day to have my taxes prepared and filed.  That's very American don't you think?  I have been earning a paycheck since 1973.  During my senior year of High School I had work release and drove to my Uncle Edwards business called NCE - Nuclear Controls and Electronics.  I started as an box assembler - I put together cardboard boxes which would ship the hand held calculator being assembled in the plant.  I did such a great job putting together the boxes that they decided I was ready to advance to being an assembler of the actual product.

I learned where all the capacitors and diodes needed to go and I was given a soldering iron and went to work.  It was a wonderful job and I am so grateful for the experience.  I have been working ever since - thus paying taxes and filing a tax return.  It's very interesting each year when I get my statement from Social Security to see the history of my earnings.

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